Livestock Drones | DJI Ferntech

Livestock farming is a complex and challenging industry that requires constant monitoring and management. Drones have become increasingly popular in agriculture, as they can provide farmers with valuable insights into their livestock and infrastructure.

As the world's leader in easy-to-fly drones and aerial cameras, DJI drones are the best fit for New Zealand farmers. Below are some of the key benefits of using a DJI drone for livestock farming.



Livestock Monitoring & Herding

In the past, farmers often spent hours on foot or in vehicles, physically inspecting livestock and ensuring their well-being. With drones, this process becomes remarkably streamlined. Equipped with high-resolution cameras and thermal imaging technology, drones can quickly scan the entire herd from above, detecting any anomalies or signs of distress. This proactive approach allows farmers to address health issues promptly, preventing potential losses and reducing the need for extensive manual labour. In addition, attaching a loudspeaker that plays a recorded siren or dog barking helps farmers herd or muster their stock from the air, without the need to physically be in the same location.


Identifying Grazing Patterns

Drones are invaluable tools for understanding and optimising livestock grazing patterns. By capturing aerial imagery of the grazing areas, farmers can analyse the distribution and utilisation of forage. This data helps in making informed decisions about rotational grazing, and ensures that the livestock is efficiently utilising available resources. Consequently, this optimisation can lead to reduced feed costs and increased pasture health, ultimately contributing to substantial savings for farmers.



Security and Predator Management

Livestock farmers often face challenges related to security and predation. Drones equipped with real-time video streaming capabilities can act as vigilant sentinels, patrolling the farm and identifying potential threats. This early detection allows farmers to respond quickly to deter predators or thieves, safeguarding their valuable livestock assets. With drones providing continuous surveillance, the need for additional manpower for security purposes is reduced, translating into cost and time savings.


Fencing and Infrastructure Inspection

Maintaining the fencing and infrastructure on a farm is a labour-intensive task. With drones, farmers can conduct regular inspections of fences, water sources, and other vital infrastructure. Identifying any potential issues, such as damages or leakages, promptly ensures immediate repairs, preventing further damage or costly replacements. 


Drones are a proven, effective alternative for managing livestock on New Zealand farms, providing farmers with a portable, aerial solution for visual identification and management of their farm assets. Explore our great range of livestock drones below, and take your farm management to the next level.